29th Fête des Jardiniers – 3rd & 4th June 2023
On 3rd et 4th June 2023, the 29th edition of the “Fête des Jardiniers” takes place in the gardens of the Château du Lude. The event gathers plants collectors, nurserymen, [...]
On 3rd et 4th June 2023, the 29th edition of the “Fête des Jardiniers” takes place in the gardens of the Château du Lude. The event gathers plants collectors, nurserymen, [...]
4, Rue Jehan de Daillon
72800 Le Lude,
Tel. +33 (0)2 43 94 60 09
e-mail: contact@lelude.com
Ouvert du 1er avril au 1er octobre.
>Horaires et tarifs