Gourmet Days – 12th&14th July 2020
The season of fruits has began, it’s time to turn on the wood stove in the medieval kitchen!
In the kitchen garden, the redcurrents, strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb reach ripeness. Cooking in the copper pans, they slowly turn in jam. This is the occasion to discover the atmosphere of busy great kitchens. Let’s get tempted by the aroma of fruits and taste the house recipes, from the more classical to the more original, on delicious creps.
For famillies
In the park, many spaces are fitted out for children. In the moat, visit the underground tunnel and the vaulted room. Next to the rose garden, have a nice moment in the maze. In the building of the Commons, visit the saddlery, the horse stables, the coaches room and the granary.
New: Get upstairs in the North Tower Montez (At last!)
After long month of work, new rooms finally open to public. The great staircase, with its Renaissance decors gives access to the hunting and the guests’ appartment. Enjoy there the atmosphere of the House at the 19th Century.
Informations :
Hours :
10am to 6.30pm
Prices :
House + gardens : adult 11€ / child (7-15 year old) 5€
large family : -15%
- House in free visit
- house and garden reachable by disabled people (except: first and second floor of the tower, medieval kitchen and granary)
- On leach dogs allowed in the park.