The edition 2022

On Saturday 4th June at the Château du Lude, the 22nd Prize Pierre-Joseph Redouté has been awarded by the Association des Jardins du Maine to

L’ivresse des couleurs”

by Gérard Jean,
Editions Ulmer.


“Gardening is for me a wonderfull game, where beauty is created by mixing colours and lines.”
Former rtistic director of a great advertising agency, Gérard Jean is an author, a photographer, a botanist and a journalist. But before all a gardener! Simultaneously to an absorbing professionnal activity, he finds revitalisation at the garden. He created four of them, in the different places when he lived. The last project is located in Britanny, at Pellinec. Since 1994, Gérard Jean engages in his passion of gardening and creating. Author of several books about Pellinec, his process can be followed year by year, with the pictures he takes in his garden, when his not diging or cutting.




Le Jardin de Pellinec, l’ivresse des couleurs is the result of the life dedicated to the passion of gardening, that leaded Gérard Jean to the creation of a garden, regarded as one of the most beatiful in France. Written and illustrated by the author, the book relates the creation of the garden of Pellinec and its transformation through  time, seasons and compositions. Colours are the central theme of the book. The pictures, sometimes willingly overexposed, faithfully express the spectacular visions of the author, created with the clever gathering of plants in the seven gardens that compose the garden of Pellinec. The text going allong with the splendid pictures is like a conversation. The author writes as he speaks, talks about  his fellings, but also his patient work of search and tries over almost 30 years to obtain the hormony of colours. The awarding of the Prize P.-J. Redouté to Jardin de Pellinec, is the way for the jury to salute not only the editorial word – a clear and simple text, which doesn’t forget the botanical accuracy and the practical advices -, but also the remarkable work of Gérard Jean in the realasation of his garden dream.


5 other books were awarding in the following categories:



by Lucie Nicolas-Vullierme,
ed. Klincksieck.

Agrumes résistant au froid,

by Olivier Biggio et Bertrand Londeix,
ed. Ulmer.


La flore de l’île d’Yeu,
by Alix et Emmanuel Pradère,
ed. La Geste.


Eloge des lianes,
by Annick Schnitzler et Claire Arnold,
ed. Actes Sud.


Voyages dans mon jardin,
by Nicolas Jolivot
ed. HongFei.

The jury is composed by experts and amateurs:

Martine Gérardin, journalist,Diane de Belder, a Belgian lady at the garden Louis Benech, garden architect, Jean-Louis Remilleux, film producer, Jacques Garcia, interior designer, creator of the garden of The Champ de Bataille, Marie-Anne Chazel, actress and author, Marc Mennessier, journalist, Olivier Colin, collector of plants and botanist, Maryvonne Pinault, amateur of gardens.

The Prize P.J. Redouté gets the partnership of Média Participations, Bourg Joly Malicorne, Youscribe, Truffaut, France Bleu Maine, du Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire et du Conseil Départemental de la Sarthe.

For more informations : – 02 43 94 60 09 – Facebook : Prix Pierre-Joseph Redouté

Palmarès 2022

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