Gourmet Days – 14th & 17th July 2022
In summer, the medieval kitchen comes to life for the Gourmet Days!
On 14th and 17th July, the wood stove from the 19th Century is back in service. In the copper pans, the season fruits are slowly turning into delicious jams: redcurrents, strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb.
Once cooked, the jams are to be tastes on moist crepes, cooked on the wood fire too. The most gourmets can bring back home some jars od their favorite flavour.
The fruits are from the kitchen garden of the Château, exceptionally open on those special days. Inspired by the permaculture, the fruits and vegetables are grown according to environmentally friendly practicices and rithms of nature. Almong them, the ornametal flowers attract the insects for the pollination. Then, they will decorate the rooms of the House.
Visite all the floors of the North Tower!
Since 2020, the floors of the North Tower progressively open to public. After 4 years of work, one can now visit all the rooms! This year, the chapel and the staff appartment are added to the tour, after the hunting room, the guests appartment and the linen room. This part of the House plunges the visitor back in the life at the end of teh 19th Century, with moving testimonies of this time: aquipment for the laundry care, pieces of linen (embroidered linen, clothes, hats, etc), games, toys, etc.
In the House, the children can become princesses or knights with the suits at their disposal. They also enjoy the park, especially in the moat and the underground tunels.
Hours :
- Gardens: 10am – 6pm
- House (self-guided tour with notice informations in each room): 10am – 12.30 / 2pm – 6.30pm (last access 30 minutes before the closure)
Prices :
- adult 11€
- child (7-15 years) 6€