The edition 2021

On Saturday 5th June at the Château du Lude, the 22nd Prize Pierre-Joseph Redouté has been awarded by the Association des Jardins du Maine to

by Marc Jeanson et Charlotte Fauve
Éditions Grasset.


Marc Jeanson is a botanist and an agronomist. He directed the Herbariumof Montpellier, and from 2013, he is in charge of the National Herbarium and the Natural History Museum of Paris.He worked at the Majorelle Garden in Marrakech. Involved in many events related to garden, he is scientist adviser at the Rencontres botaniques of Varengeville-sur-Mer and was associated commissioner at the exhibition Jardins at the national gallery of the Grand Palais in Paris in 2017.

Charlotte Fauve
is a landscape ingeneer, journalist and author of documentaries. She especially wrote a series od documentaries for the TV channel Arte.



The biography of Marc Jeanson is an introduction to the mention of the great French botanists and explorers. The main character of the book is the Herbarium of the Museum. This austere building, behind the Jardin des Plantes, contains secrets and  wonders: 8 000 000 dry plants, gathered and pressed over 350 years.

Welcome in the greatest herbarium of the wolrd! There we learn that plants take their time and demand attention. Marc Jeanson knows it since a cutting, left on a window, grows by itself. A few years later, during a travel in Senegal, he discovered the splendor of palm tree, confirming his vocation.

Being a botanist is the love of being outdoor, in the mud, under the clouds, and also the love of the unknown. Those who gave the plants their name, who classified them have sometimes given their life for it. In this book, Marc Jeanson honours those plants explorer: Tournefort, Adanson, Lamarck, Pierre Poivre, Gérard Aymonin, Léon Mercurin. The book is the pleasant story of botanics that reveals the everyday life of an occupation, and the reality of panting expeditions. Plants are our world, our climate history, our landscape, our future. The portraits, tales, forgotten stories, scientific thoughts succed in the lively writting of Charlotte Fauve, making an extroardinary human adventure accessible for everyone.

6 other books have been awarded in the following categories:


Chers jardins
by Patrick Masure,
ed. Delachaux et Niestlé.

Bons plants
by Jean Venot,
ed. Ulmer.


Le monde des cactus,
by Denis Diagre Vanderpelen,
ed. Racine.


Les plantes qui tuent,
by Elisabeth Dauncey et Sony Larsson,
ed. Ulmer.


Katsura et ses jardins,
un mythe de l’architecture japonaise
by Philippe Bonnin,
ed. Arléa.


Vivre avec la terre,
by Perrine et Charles Hervé-Gruyer,
ed. Actes Sud.

The jury is composed by experts and amateurs:

Martine Gérardin, journalist,Diane de Belder, a Belgian lady at the garden Louis Benech, garden architect, Jean-Louis Remilleux, film producer, Jacques Garcia, interior designer, creator of the garden of The Champ de Bataille, Marie-Anne Chazel, actress and author, Marc Mennessier, journalist, Olivier Colin, collector of plants and botanist, Maryvonne Pinault, amateur of gardens.

The Prize P.J. Redouté gets the partnership of Média Participations, Bourg Joly Malicorne, Youscribe, Truffaut, France Bleu Maine, du Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire et du Conseil Départemental de la Sarthe.

For more informations : – 02 43 94 60 09 – Facebook : The Prix P.J. Redouté

Palmarès 2021

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